Play Well

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Authors: Máté Lencse, József Jesztl
Illustrator: Judit Vörös

If you open this book, you will see 7 exciting game boards. With this book you can play many, many games together, but it is more than just a collection of games. You will be shown how to explain the rules of a new game to the players and how to level the playing field for younger and older players, experienced players and beginners, adults and children. So no one ends up being disappointed after playing together.

The games are simple and quick. They show how we can play together even when we are not at the same level. The seven games and many variations in the book are enough for a whole holiday – but you'll not only have fun playing them, but you will also come to understand how to work together and how to come up with new variations of your own. So just open the book at any of the games, get the pieces out, find some playmates and play a lot!

Board game book.

All rights available
Technical specs
  • age group: 4-12
  • categories: activity, non-fiction
  • 46 pages
  • W230 x H265 mm